
Cleansing Shamanic Snuff

Rapé or Hapé (“ha-pay”) is a sacred, Shamanic Snuff that has been used by Amazonian tribes for thousands of years.

Combinations of leaves, seeds, bark, oils, herbs, spices, flowers and oils from medicinal plants, trees and roots that are ground into a fine powder through a very labor intensive process.

It clears the fog of the mind, quiets the chatter, and stills the thoughts, making it a TREMENDOUS help for meditation.

It makes way for an open pathway to truth. It offers a deep connection to the spirits, animals & Mother Earth.

  • Served through the nose, using a v-shaped self applicator pipe called a kuripe, or by using a long pipe called a tepi when another is administering. It is an act of healing, an act of giving and an act of receiving.

  • Helps focus and sharpen the mind and clears a person or space of distracting, bad energies in preparation for intention setting. However, detoxes both body, mind and clear your energetic field. Because of this, hapé is often used in conjunction with ayahuasca ceremonies.

    Alsoo, clears sinuses of mucus and bacteria, thereby helping to combat colds and respiratory ailments. It provides a calming, grounding effect on the emotions that lasts much longer that the initial sensation. It can be used in conjunction with other treatments for addiction and mental illness.

    Supports: purification of the respiratory track, clearing sinuses, assisting with digestion, relieving headaches. and lowering blood pressure.

  • DO not use medicine while pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not sit with Hapé if you are allergic to tobacco.

    Please note that I am not licensed, certified, or registered as a provider of healthcare. The wellness services that I provide don’t constitute any form of medical practice, and don’t diagnose, treat, or offer health advice, nor prescribe medication. All material here is for educational purposes. It is recommended that you notify your primary care physician or licensed providers of healthcare of your intention to use other wellness services. It is also recommended that you ask your primary care physician or other licensed providers of healthcare about any potential drug interactions, side effects, risks, or conflicts between any medications or treatments prescribed by your primary care physician or other licensed providers of healthcare and the wellness services that you intend to receive.