Frog medicine

Sacred medicines are most potent in their healing capacity when they are paired with a high vibrational diet of fresh foods, as organic as possible.
In the days leading up to your ceremony, drink plenty of water, fresh juice and herbal teas.
For best results, refrain from consuming any food the day prior to sitting with the medicine, or at least 12-18 hours.
YOU MUST be 100% FASTING on your ceremony day, small amounts of water is ok.
Refrain from drinking: fermented drinks, caffeinated drinks, carbonated drinks and all alcohol.
For a minimum of 4 days prior to ceremony, please eliminate acid-forming foods, such as:
Alcohol (any and all types)
Caffeine (energy drinks, coffee, chocolate, cacao)
Processed Sugar (incl. “sugar-free” chemical alternatives)
Fermented Foods (incl. kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi)
Preserved Meats (cold cuts, salami, turkey etc.)
Dairy Products (cheese, milk)
Red Meat & Pork
Canned Foods
Excessive Salt
Fried Foods & Excessive Oil
Spicy Foods
Please list all current medications & daily dosage on your intake, including antibiotics.
I may ask you to minimize your dose for a few days prior to ceremony.
Please consult with CheyAnne regarding current health conditions & current treatment supplementation.
It is recommended that you retrain from having sex or masturbation at least one day prior to your ceremony. These acts reduce physical energy levels, making it harder to cope with the effects of this medicine.
Synthetic Drugs (LSD, Ecstasy, MDMA, Methamphetamine, Ketamine, Cocaine etc.)
Liquid & Powdered Proteins (especially those containing hGH “Human Growth Hormone”)
Plant Medicines (No Ayahuasca, Ibogaine, 5 MeO-DMT for 3 weeks prior to Kambo)
Be sure to follow the protocol/ diet given at intake, the longer you follow this before and after, the more profound. (above)
Be sure to fast at least 12-18 hours before you sit.
NO food, coffee, or tea the day of before you sit, small amounts of water is fine.
NO medication the day of, before or after.
If you wear contacts, bring supplies to take them out.
Wear comfortable clothes when you sit. Layers are great to wear so the medicine can be placed on any area on the back. You may bring an extra pair of bottoms in case.
Fruit and hot tea will be offered after your ceremony to break your fast.
Do not drive if you feel weak or light headed.
Do not operate heavy machinery, move furniture or engage in physically stressful situations within 24 hours of session.
Re-mineralize with mineral water and or coconut water to restore vital nutrients and electrolytes.
Hydrate! Drink 8-10+ glasses of water a day.
Refrain from difficult to digest and or energetically dense foods for at least 72 hours (OR MORE!) such as dairy and meat.
Do not drink alcohol or do drugs for at least 3 days after your session. Many report never wanting to drink again after Kambo.
Prolong dieta for as long as you can.
Tune in. Take note of vibrational shifts.
Integrate grounding techniques such as earthing.
Be conscious with your consumption of certain foods, energies, media, people etc.
Eat organic non-processed whole foods when possible.
Be intentional and disciplined with your technology use.
Develop patience with yourself and the journey.
Develop a breathwork, meditation, or yoga practice.
Give yourself some space to process your Kambo work.
Take time for you, nature and community.
Get good rest and be grateful for your many blessings.
After Kambo is removed from the top layer of skin, the entry points are closed with a Peruvian anti-bacterial/fungal tree sap (Dragon’s Blood). This helps the entry points heal faster and acts as a “liquid bandage”, while offering a secure antibacterial barrier. DO NOT cover points with bandage. DO NOT pick at the points or try to remove/clean off the Dragon’s Blood. Two days after treatment, on top of the Dragon’s Blood, colloidal silver or coconut oil can be used to aid healing process and limit scaring. Please stay away from chemical laden “healing” products such as Neosporin. The entry points will heal and fade with time but depending on your skin color and type you may always have small visible scars. Most people see their Kambo scars as a badge of honor.
Things will come up after your ceremony. Kambo is not the blame, nor is any plant medicine. It in fact is giving you exactly what you asked for even when it doesn’t make sense. Yes, a lot can be released from just one sit however, this is not a quick fix. Often this is a HUGE physical release that uncovers the emotional stuff that causes the imbalance. It is important to validate yourself, process, and work with your shadow to integrate this work and create lasting changes.
I am here to support you in and out of ceremony and also have a reputable list of resources if what you’re needing is outside my scope of practice.
Healing is linear and it takes time. You didn’t get here over night, so be gentle with yourself and expectations. Things may come up that won’t always make sense in the moment, TRUST it.

*I am not licensed, certified, or registered as a provider of healthcare. The wellness services that I provide don't constitute any form of medical practice, and don't diagnose, treat, or offer health advice, nor prescribe medication. All material here is for educational purposes. It is recommended that you notify your primary care physician or licensed providers of healthcare of your intention to use other wellness services. It is also recommended that you ask your primary care physician or other licensed providers of healthcare about any potential drug interactions, side effects, risks, or conflicts between any medications or treatments prescribed by your primary care physician or other licensed providers of healthcare and the wellness services that you intend to receive.