Eye drops of the Forest - Clarity
Sananga is an eyedrop created from the roots of the Tabernaemontana undulata shrub in the Amazon.
This magical medicine is indicated in cases of severe eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataract, and blindness.
Even though Sananga is famous for its effects on vision and visualization, this medicine is considered to be an indigenous all-purpose remedy.
The spirit of Sananga supports a deep cleansing of blocked energies on emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.
Only one drop per eye is enough for a powerful Sananga session. The human eye is a particularly sensitive organ, which means a Sananga ceremony can be painful. These sacred, shamanic eye drops cause an intense burning that usually lasts a few minutes, but experienced practitioners say this pain is an important part of the healing process. Shamans advise you breathe deeply into the intensity to gain the most from its benefits—it is by leaning into the pain that you can cleanse not only your eyes but your mind and spirit as well. Once the pain leaves and the sananga is no longer in your body, you’re left with a feeling of immense relaxation. We recommend to find a calm and quiet place, either in nature, or at home in a peaceful setting and with meditative music. The acute effects will wear off after 10-15 min, yet subtle after effects can last for days. Make sure you lie down to enable a good application and leave your eyes closed during the session. It is important to apply one drop to both eyes, and do not wait with the second drop, apply it immediately to balance out the energies on both eyes. Thereafter, you should blink with your eyelids for a short while to distribute the liquid over the whole eye.
Sananga can balance and increase your energies, and find the roots of your diseases and blockages, leading to a complete equilibrium, focus and peace of mind.These drops will expand your spiritual vision and awareness, and enhance your ability to read others people´s intentions. Also, Sananga increases your long-range vision, which is important for visualizations and predictions of the future.
DO not use medicine while pregnant or breastfeeding.
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